So I got and iPhone

Hello fellow Foodies!
I know I've been gone for a while. First the computer crashed, then I moved, then I lost my camera charger, then I lost my computer, then I lost access to
the Internet, then my phone died, then my replacement phone died, then the replacement's replacement died... And now I have an iPhone.

Now that I have access to the cyber community again, I can share with you my god thoughts and experiences...when I learn how to use this thing.

You'd think loading a photo blog or video to YouTube would be one finger slide away, and it probably is, I just know where to put my finger yet. But thank god for auto correct and google.

Every day I learn new things about the "i" world of Apple. So for now I'll be posting things without photos, but as soon as I get every app figured out you all will be viewing some of my new food knowledge and trust me when I say I've had plenty of time to read and try some great foods, albeit on a budget, that you all are going to love!

So get ready Foodies, I'm back!
