Guy Proof!

I once witness a man making chili using the Hormel Turkey Chili out of a can and a handful of dirty potatoes. Now I can understand the methodology behind the chili and potatoes, starch, protein, and the can promised a full serving of vegetables. So in theory, it was a balanced meal.

Would I eat it?

Hell No!

But I can understand the plight of a man who is limited by funds and resources with which to cook. For example;
the college student with no stove,
the starter apartment with no microwave,
needing to gain/lose weight on a tight budget,
wanting to impress a girl with your ramon skills

Which leads me to my original cookbook idea! "Guy Proof: A cooking survival guide that's so simple a guy could do it!"

Ok so the title needs some work, and Geico may sue me, but the concept can be applied in any state by any demographic.

Here are my current chapter ideas.
Chapter 1 Budget, Grocery shopping -planning 3 days ahead, not 3 hours ahead
Chapter 2 Breakfast, Dinner or Breakfast?- menus
Chapter 3 No stove - recipes done strictly in small appliances
Chapter 4 No Microwave - recipes done strictly on the stove/oven
Chapert 5 Ramon-or Ra'mon? -Dedicated to recipes starting ramon noodles
Chapter 6 Impress her with the goods! - Your Mom, your girlfriend, your daughter
Chapter 7 Suggested Equipment for every kitchen, a how-to guide on why you need a whisk
Chapter 8 Nutritional Value -Avoiding the freshman 15

I'm thinking about issuing volumes where I add a little to each chapter at a time, making the information accessable to non-readers, maybe even a daily calendar. Or a weekly update on the blog.
I was once offered a printing deal where I'd have a full color leaflet, maybe I'll work towards that?

So I'm embarking on an innovative cookbook for the un-chef, but the qoal is always to keep things Guy Proof!
