Antonio's Strawberry Cake

While checking in with my favorite security guard this morning he hinted that his favorite birthday cake is strawberry. Not strawberry short cake, strawberry cake.

Of course any time someone tells me their favorite anything I immediately go into creative mode. I began looking through recipes for frosting and fillings, things that will make a strawberry cake, more than just a slice of cake.

So I've settled on a recipe:
A three layer strawberry cake (from a box, I know my limitations) with glazed strawberry filling and white chocolate strawberry cream, covered in strawberry butter cream, topped with white chocolate covered strawberries.

Now doesn't that make you want some.

So in the coming month, because his birthday is in October, I'm going to get a hand mixer and teach myself how to make butter creams and ganache from scratch, I may start this weekend! And I'll be on the lookout for strawberries through the month of October. I wonder if tuxedoed strawberries would be overkill, you know the ones that are dipped in white and dark chocolate to look like the lapels of a tux. Yeah, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

I think I'm going to make the red velvets when I get back from the wedding, a back to school/thanks for being you type treat. I might even make enough for my fellow co-workers.
